
7 Days Christmas Challenge

This challenge is a simple and easy way to remember the purpose of Christmas and spread love and joy among ourselves and around the world.
Every day for the 7 days before Christmas there are:

  • Meditation on one of Jesus’ deeds on earth
  • Reading a passage from the Bible
  • Gift giving
  • A challenge

Gifts can be from the suggestions we have made or anything that goes with the theme.
Do what you feel will bring you and your family closer to the Savior.
At the bottom of the page, there is a card that you can print out and attach to the gift
Share with us every day of the challenge via #ta7adiChristmas

On the first day of Christmas: Jesus Christ is the light of the world

Gift: a candle, night lights, or anything light-related.
The Reading: John 8:12; Matthew 5:16
Challenge: Let your light shine today and use the talents and gifts that the Lord has bestowed upon you to comfort someone and make their day bright.

On the second day of Christmas: Jesus Christ healed the sick

Gift: BAND AID box or a first aid kit, a doctor’s kit, or anything that symbolizes recovery.
The Reading: Matthew 5:25-34
Challenge: We can’t always heal another person physically the way Jesus did, but we can help heal the soul. Do one thing today to help someone who is sick or in pain, or start repairing a relationship.

On the third day of Christmas: Jesus Christ gave the gift of love – the pure love of Christ

Gift: Bake a heart-shaped cookie, a card in the shape of a heart, or anything that symbolizes love.
The Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Challenge: Treat everyone you meet today with the love of Christ. Show those around you how much you really love them.

On the fourth day of Christmas: Jesus Christ fed 5,000 men with five loaves and two fish

The gift: a loaf of bread, dough, fish meal or anything that indicates this miracle.
The Reading: Mark 6:34-44; John 6:35
Challenge: You can share with someone a spiritual message that will help them through difficult times (or when needed). You can even write a thanksgiving letter to the person who has supported you through your life’s difficulties.

On the fifth day of Christmas: Jesus Christ gave the gift of baptism

Gift: a water bottle, bath toys for children or anything that symbolizes baptism.
The Reading: Matthew 3:13-17
Challenge: Reflect on the meaning of your baptism. Make a commitment today to change one thing in your life that will help you come closer to the Savior, be reborn, or, if necessary, make up for a mistake.

On the sixth day of Christmas: Jesus Christ gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter

The gift: blankets, a warm coat, or anything that symbolizes warmth and consolation.
The Reading: John 14:26
Challenge: God often comforts His children through us. Be the cause of consolation and comfort for someone today.

On the seventh day of Christmas: Jesus Christ sacrificed his life so that we might have a new life with him

The Reading: Matthew 26:36-75; Matthew 27-28
A gift: a picture, a cross, or a waiver of one of your own items and present it to someone in need.


  1.  Serve someone who may feel lonely or neglected, and give someone a unique gift from you.
  2. Remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for you to have eternal life. Consecrate your life to him again. Share with your friends or family the story of your experience with Christ and how it affected your life.

Click on the image to download the cards.

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