HMS center

Trauma Healing for Schools

Due to the multiple financial, economic, and political crises in Lebanon, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, Beirut blast on August 4, 2020, and continued challenges (shortage of petrol, diesel, resources …), children and teens, similar to adults, are dealing with many difficult emotions: loneliness, anxiety, anger, sadness, loss of…...

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Children trauma healing training and camp in Bekaa – Zahle

Bible Society Lebanon organized a children’s trauma healing training and camp in Zahle from 22 to 31 July 2021 in collaboration with the Syriac Orthodox church who also hosted the event. In 2019, a children’s trauma healing training and camp was scheduled to be done in Zahle; however, the political…...

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Training on Children Trauma Healing and Children’s Healing Hearts Camp

Bible Society Lebanon organized and hosted two simultaneous trainings on Children Trauma Healing and children camps from 26 June until 5 July 2019, due to the extensive demand to assist and help children between the ages of 8 and 13 who have passed through traumatizing events, especially refugees. The Bible…...

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Initial Adult Trauma Healing Training

Bible Society Lebanon conducted an Initial Adult Trauma Healing equipping session performed by Lebanese Master Facilitators on 25-26-27 October 2018 for 20 participants from diverse churches and organizations in Lebanon. The 3-days training covered the five core lessons which will later assist the facilitators to conduct their own healing groups…...

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CTH training and Camp

Bible Society Lebanon hosted and organized an Advanced and Initial Children’s Trauma Healing training followed by a 5-day application camp from 22 to 31 August 2018. Participants from different churches and NGOs, mainly working with children, were invited by the Bible Societies of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq to join the…...

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Children trauma healing and camp 2018

Bible Society Lebanon hosted and organized a Children’s Trauma Healing training and camp from 15 to 23 February in which Bible Societies of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq invited individuals from different churches and NGOs in each country with the aim to train those working with children on this Bible-based trauma…...

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Trauma Healing Training for the region

Fifty participants from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq participated in a four-day trauma healing equipping workshop to serve underprivileged communities in the region. The Bible Society in Lebanon organized a trauma healing training from the 4th till the 7th of October 2017 in partnership with Master Facilitators from the Trauma Healing…...

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Children’s trauma healing program

During the last week of June 2017, Bible Society Lebanon in partnership with the American Bible Society (ABS) organized and hosted a three days children’s trauma healing training. The purpose of this training was to equip colleagues and individuals from Lebanon, Syria and Iraq who work with children on how…...

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Trauma Healing Program

Trauma is all around us. It approaches us in different faces such as abuse, rape, abandonment, and war, a state we’re unfortunately too familiar with in the Middle East. It leaves behind a trail on its victims; a trail that if undealt with, leads them to a life of an…...

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