Arabic Refugee Bible “On the road…from home to a foreign land”
Thousands of years ago until today, people have been in situations where they have had to leave their homes and seek foreign lands in hopes…
Diplomats’ Corps Dinner
The Bible Society hosted an exceptional dinner for the diplomatic corps in Lebanon honored by the presence of His Excellency the Dean and Apostolic Nuncio…
Supporting the Bible Cause 2016
On the 20th of June of 2016, the Bible Society held its supporters’ annual dinner. Over 100 people were present – business people, professionals, clergy,…
Coming soon: Peace & Justice Bible
Bible Society & World Vision will be lauching soon the Peace & Justice Bible – Arabic version.
Challenging the status quo of Downtown Beirut
“We are challenging the status quo state of downtown Beirut. We want to continue proclaiming the Word of God in the heart of Beirut,” exclaimed…
Trauma Healing Program
Trauma is all around us. It approaches us in different faces such as abuse, rape, abandonment, and war, a state we’re unfortunately too familiar with…
Increasing The Bible Society’s advocacy visibility: a visit to Ishtar TV
On April 2nd, 2016, a delegation of the Bible Society led by Dr. Michael Bassous General Secretary / Chief Executive Officer of the Bible Society…
Clown Auguste’s 2016 Tour
Clown Auguste’s show this year, March 2016, was titled “Stop, you’re getting on my nerves!” It was full of quality entertainment for kids just like…
Auguste the Clown’s Lebanon Tour 2015
Auguste the Clown’s Lebanon tour from February 16 till March 4, was an exceptional one. More than 3550 children and youth appreciated his enjoyable and…