He was born on 1 February in 1940 in the Naameh, Chouf district.
He completed his elementary and secondary studies at the Patriarchal School and got his Lebanese baccalaureate from the Jesuit school, Jamhour.
He holds a BA in theology from St. Joseph’s University of Jesuit Fathers in Beirut.
He got his Master’s degree in Philosophy from the French Higher School of Arts in Beirut.
He earned a doctorate in philosophy from the Sorbonne-Paris University entitled “Popular Sovereignty in the Legacy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau”.
He was Director and then Head of the Maronite School of Wisdom in Beirut.
The Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Lebanon elected him as President of Caritas-Lebanon.
In 1991, he became Archbishop of Tarsus and Deputy Patriarchal Patriarch of the Patriarchate in Bkerki and in 1996; he was the Archbishop of the Beirut Diocese.

The Bible Society honored him in 2016 for his 25th year of service as bishop of Beirut diocese and for his national, ecclesiastical and social contributions. He is one of the oldest supporters of the Society’s march in the service of the Church and the Word of God.