Launching “15 minutes with Jesus” devotional

The Bible Society – Lebanon launched a book entitled “15 minutes with Jesus” at the Syriac Catholic Cathedral in Mathaf on the 10th of December 2021. This book was prepared in partnership with Pastorale, Mar Charbel movements in Beirut, Daroun and Montreal in Canada, Mary’s Apostolic Movement and The Good…...

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Trauma Healing for Schools

Due to the multiple financial, economic, and political crises in Lebanon, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, Beirut blast on August 4, 2020, and continued challenges (shortage of petrol, diesel, resources …), children and teens, similar to adults, are dealing with many difficult emotions: loneliness, anxiety, anger, sadness, loss of…...

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Bible Society distributes 10,000 NTs during Papal visit to Cyprus

The Bible Society in Lebanon, in partnership with the Bible Societies of Greece and Cyprus, distributed 10,000 New Testaments during Pope Francis’ visit and Mass at GSP Stadium, Nicosia, on December 3, 2021. It all started when the BS-Lebanon’s General Secretary & CEO, Dr. Mike Bassous, was making a cordial…...

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Workshops in Iraq about the Old Testament

Bible Society Lebanon’s Programs Coordinator and Director of the Bible Engagement Academy, S.D. Joe Eid, visited Iraq to hold workshops offering a full overview of the Old Testament, upon the invitation of the Bible Society in Iraq, from 19 to 24 September 2021. The workshops were a condensed version of…...

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Children trauma healing training and camp in Bekaa – Zahle

Bible Society Lebanon organized a children’s trauma healing training and camp in Zahle from 22 to 31 July 2021 in collaboration with the Syriac Orthodox church who also hosted the event. In 2019, a children’s trauma healing training and camp was scheduled to be done in Zahle; however, the political…...

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One year commemoration of the Beirut Blast

Beirut, August 4, 2021: The Bible Society in Lebanon participated in the Beirut Blast one-year commemoration Prayer Mass through publishing 10,000 copies of a special Scriptural portion in memory of the sad occasion. On August 4, 2020, at 6:07 PM, thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate unlawfully stored at Beirut…...

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Lebanon Bible

In celebration of Greater Lebanon’s centennial anniversary and the Bible Society’s bicentennial presence in the region, the Bible Society – Lebanon published a new edition of the Bible entitled: “The Lebanon Bible.” An event celebrating this release was held in Bkerke on the 5th of December 2020, under the patronage…...

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Math literacy program

Since the beginning of April 2020, the Bible Society in partnership with BALADI CAP, a USAID partner, have launched a math literacy program that targets underprivileged Lebanese, Iraqi and Syrian refugee children residing in Lebanon. Ten partner churches who serve this audience signed up for the program because math is…...

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The Lord is Good and Holy

In our wounded and hurting homeland that has been suffering from economic problems and from the deadly epidemic, Covid 19; add to that the 4th of August explosion the size of a nuclear bomb, the Lord is still using his people. He uses them as vessels to speak to his…...

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Bicentennial/Platinum anniversary celebration

Year 2020, though not considered the best year for many, is a very special one for the Bible Societies in the Middle East as it marks the 200th year for the Bible Society work in the region, and the 70th year for its official registration in Lebanon. For that reason,…...

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What we’ve been up to during the corona-virus lockdown

Due to the corona-virus pandemic, we had to switch to a mostly virtual work environment since 16 March 2020. The majority of work that we do requires being with and around people – whether it is through trauma healing trainings, lectures and bible studies, children’s programs at schools, welcoming visitors…...

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Sharing with you our secret to positive office spirits during the corona-virus pandemic

Are you working from home? Do you find it difficult to keep spirits up during this pandemic-imposed virtual work environment? If so, then keep on reading as we’ve got a few tips that will bring some cheer to you and your colleagues (family and friends too) during these tough times.…...

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The Sacred Texts in Christianity and Islam: “From Revelation to the Book”

Bible Society Lebanon in partnership with the Faculty of Religious Sciences at Saint Joseph University (USJ) held the first conference under the theme: The Sacred Texts in Christianity and Islam entitled “From Revelation to the Book” on 28 and 29 February 2020 at the university’s campus. The conference aimed to…...

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